Whole Wheat Apple Sauce Spice Cake

Well…what can I say but this is a family classic? My Auntie Susie brought this one to the table of family recipes longer ago than I can remember. Like all good recipes, I can’t help but switch them around. (I know! I’m sorry!) One of the biggest reasons I switch around recipes though, is to discover. I am a life long learner, I LOVE to discover. I once heard someone say “I don’t need any more recipe books, I’ve got enough recipes.” That, is absolutely preposterous.

up close applesauce spice cake

Can I use more local ingredients?

Can I use more in season ingredients?

Can I make it more nutrionally dense?

Can I make it cheaper to make?

Last but not least, Can I make it with what I stock regularly.

Everyone’s got a different stock of food in their house, so I’ll let you in on some little secrets to help it fit your pantry.

Growing up, it ALWAYS had a luxurious but easy to whip up butter icing with plenty of vanilla. I’ve since discovered that it’s as satisfying with a honey and butter glaze as it is with a vanilla butter icing. Tea time and tomorrows breakfast? Stick to the glaze. Dessert for a par-tay? Dress ‘er up with some lovely thick butter icing, heck, go all out and scrape out a vanilla bean, the little flecks make it stand out amongst the others.

The recipe is going to be a little drawn out as I explain everything I have done different with this cake…applesauce spice cake.jpg

Applesauce Spice Cake

1/2 c Butter For me, butter is what’s most local and free, considering we make our own from our cow’s milk. I’ve used olive oil and coconut oil as well. Use whacha got, I don’t notice a flavour difference. Just please don’t use the margarine the recipe called for originally.

2 c Sugar I prefer to use a low processed organic cane sugar with the molasses still in it and because of that I lower to about 1 2/3 c sugar. If you’re using sugar without molasses, use the full 2. I haven’t tried honey but experience tells me 1 cup of honey would be delicious.

2 Eggs Just use eggs. Please.

2 1/2 c Flour 100% whole wheat is divine, whether it be fresh ground, red fife, soft white or anything in between. In a pinch use all white flour, but honestly, the nuttiness it adds with whole wheat, this cake deserves it.

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp sea salt


Use any combination of the following or just use what you have; 1 tsp Cinnamon, 1/2 tsp Nutmeg, 1/4 tsp Alspice

1 1/2 c Applesauce This is basically a small mouth pint worth of applesauce. I’ve also use canned sweetened rhubarb, blended until smooth or canned peaches blended to the texture of applesauce as well. Right there you have Summer, Fall/Winter and Spring produce covered! Right on!

Optional; although I rarely add as I don’t find it needs it and my kids (cough husband too) don’t like raisins in things. And nuts just makes it cost more. 

1/2 c raisins

1/2 c chopped walnuts

Method: Mix well, in order of listed beating until well combined. Grease a bundt pan, a 9×13 cake pan, or 2 dozen muffin tins and pour ‘er in!

To Ice: Cool cake, Ice with your favourite vanilla butter icing recipe!

To Glaze: 1/4 c honey, 1/4 butter, optional 5-6 drops On Guard Essential Oil (Do your own research before ingesting. I use these oils). Poke the top of the still warm with a kebab stick and pour glaze overtop!


About Kate at Venison for Dinner

Kate is a stay at home Mom of 2 little boys living a homemade life on the West Coast of British Columbia. She enjoys to cook and bake from scratch. Through hunting and homesteading, Kate and her family produce more than enough to fill their own meat and dairy needs, happily helping others start their own homesteading journey along the way. Kate also has a passion for essential oils and home healing with natural medicine. You can follow along at www.venisonfordinner.com as she hones her homesteading skills, making her 'whey' through one mountain of raw milk at a time. Maybe you too will be inspired to butcher your own deer or try your hand at natural medicine!

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