Tofu Made With Soy Flour

Eating healthy and staying in budget on grocery days can be hard, that’s why we’ve fallen in love with the Wonder Mill!  Trying to make healthy choice and add more proteins without breaking the budgets always seems like a challenge.  That’s why I was excited to try out a tofu recipe at home!!

simple tofu recipe with soy flour

All you have to do is buy some soya beans at your local bulk foods store and grind away!  For two cups of soy flour it cost a whole .42¢ so it really won’t break the bank.  Just make sure to take your time, read the recipe and pay close attention.  It really is simple but if you don’t know what you’re doing and miss a step it can turn into a disaster quickly.

3.2 from 6 reviews
Tofu Made With Soy Flour
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups soy flour (finer the better)
  • 3 T vinegar (or lemon juice)
  1. Add the hot water to the large pot and bring to a boil on high.
  2. Reduce heat slightly but maintain the boil, slowly add or sift in the soy flour, whisking as you add. Stir constantly to prevent lumps and from the pot overflowing.
  3. Continue stirring on high heat until the pot returns to a boil. Be careful because it will boil over very easily.
  4. Carefully add the 3 T vinegar as you stir slowly. You will see that it will start to form curds and a clear liquid.
  5. Remove pot from heat and line a colander with cheesecloth. Place the colander over a large bowl or pot and pour curds into the lined colander. Gently run the mixture under cool water to cool it down.
  6. Taking the corners and edges of the cheesecloth twist them together to remove the extra moisture from the mixture. The more liquid you squeeze out the firmer the tofu.
  7. Shape tofu however you wish, I used a rectangle container but a tofu press would be perfect. Store in the refrigerator until ready to use!

Have fun and remember to read through first because if you let the pot boil over you’re going to have a disaster on your hands.  If you’re wondering what the process looks like I’ve taken a few pictures while doing it:

homemade simple tofu recipe

Don’t be alarmed when adding the vinegar because it quickly will turn to curds.  Once your set up and ready to go this recipe can be done in no time.  Have fun and enjoy your homemade tofu!

About realmomma

Laura is a busy Mom of two, wine lover, blogger at, cook, wife, work at home Mom and maid! Between utilizing her education in business to run a successful company, blogging, travelling or trying to keep her sanity around the house she has her hands full. Laura makes the most of each and every day whether she is juggling the kids, business, marriage, or life there is always a way to find the perfect balance because Mom's only have two hands.

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