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Tag Archives: buckwheat
Buckwheat Cookies with Cranberries and Nuts

When I was a child growing up in Serbia, I was not really concerned about the origins of my food, but when I moved to the U.S. and started preparing food for my family, I had to spend some time … Continue reading
Buckwheat Buttermilk Pancakes

Pancakes are a regular meal around our house, although usually not for breakfast. You see, we like to linger over our pancakes, and enjoy them with coffee and bacon or eggs. This isn’t the type of meal you can rustle … Continue reading
Gluten-Free Vanilla Sugar Snaps

This Christmas, I wanted to take my standard sugar cookie recipe and do something different. While sugar cookies are nice, a soft, chewy cookie wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted a crisp, light cookie. I did a little modification to my recipe … Continue reading
Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes

My mother used to make buckwheat pancakes for us when I was a child. They are a comfort food for me. Grinding my own grain and adding fresh blueberries make them a fresh, healthy treat for breakfast. The blueberries are … Continue reading
Posted in Grain Mill Challenge
Tagged Blueberries, buckwheat, pancakes, soft white wheat
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Buckwheat Molasses Cookies

Buckwheat used to be grown quite a bit as a food crop in the Northeast during the 18th and 19th centuries. It grows really well in soil that is low in nutrients and needs very little water. It is actually … Continue reading