In September I was so excited to be accepted to take part in the Grain Mill Wagon Challenge. What an honor! My challenge was to make 5 recipes using grain milled flour from my new WonderMill Grain Mill.

WonderMill Grain Mill
For each recipe I was to write a blog post or a video post. I have been using a WonderMill Grain Mill for years and milling my own flour has been something I’ve really enjoyed.

Grinding wheat berries.
I purchase wheat berries from my local co-op and grind my own flour regularly, this enables me to have the freshest flour possible.

Fresh whole wheat flour.
The first recipe I will share I’ve had for as long as I’ve been grinding wheat berries! It’s from my dear friend Judy. Before I had my own grain mill Judy would grind my flour for me.
Judy’s Famous Cookies
¾ cup butter (or use ¼ cup butter, ½ cup applesauce)
1 cup brown sugar
½ cup sugar
1 egg
¼ cup water
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups oats
1 ¾ cup whole wheat flour
1 cup coconut
1 cup raisins (or chocolate chips)
1 tsp salt
½ tsp baking soda
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Beat together butter (or applesauce), sugars, egg, water and vanilla. Add oats, whole-wheat flour, salt and soda. Add coconut and raisins.
If necessary, add another ¼ to ½ cup whole-wheat flour for a stiffer dough.
Drop by rounded teaspoonful onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes.

Ready for the oven!
Let cool on a wire rack.

Store in an airtight container until ready to enjoy!

Judy’s Famous Cookies
These cookies can also be frozen to enjoy later.

To enjoy later!
About On The Home Front
"Four days a week I post and host the blog "On The Home Front". Topics covered are living frugally, gardening, pantry management, and recipes. I live in Vermont and during my 30 years of gardening I have completed both the Master Gardener and the Master Composter programs offered through the state extension bureaus. I am interested in providing delicious, nutritious, chemical-free food for my family. This includes grinding my own wheat berries to make my flour. I have used a WonderMill grain mill for over 17 years. I also garden organically, and what food we don't immediately consume I preserve to be enjoyed later. I love walking into my pantry and seeing the shelves filled with the garden's bounty! I also enjoy hearing great ideas and receiving feedback from my readers at
I am also a contributing editor for the online magazine "Prudent Living Magazine", this is a free online publication that comes out four times a year and helps readers to live a prudent more sustainable life. If you are interested in ways to save money that are practical and make sense check it out at
Grain Mill Wagon Challenge Experience: Participating in the WonderMill Grain Mill Challenge was a highlight of my fall. I have been using a WonderMill for awhile and love it. Participating in the challenge gave me the opportunity to try some new recipes in addition to my well loved recipes. A good friend shared a recipe using wild rice flour and for the first time I used my grain mill to grind some wild rice! The pancakes I made were delicious and very hearty! I look forward to using my grain mill in the future to try making other types of flour and of course I will continue to make my favorite whole wheat bread using freshly ground flour! If there is every another opportunity to partake in such a challenge I hope I have the opportunity to apply.