One of my resolutions for the new year is to eat healthier. By this I mean adding more whole foods to my diet.
In this vain, I pulled out my Wonder Mill and ground up some wheat berries. It is so quick and easy to make fresh flours with the Wonder Mill. Clean-up is easy too!
Light Wheat Pasta with The Wonder Mill

A wonderful light wheat pasta for use with any meal.
- 1½ cups sifted whole wheat flour
- 2 cups sifted bread or unbleached flour
- 4 large eggs
- 2 TBL water
- 1 TBL olive oil
- ½ tsp salt
- Placee whole wheat flour, bread flour (or unbleached flour), eggs, water, oil and salt in a mixer bowl. Attach bowl and flat beater. Turn to Speed 2 and mix 30 seconds. Exchange flat beater for dough hook. Turn to Speed 2 and knead 2 minutes. Remove dough from bowl and divide into about 8 pieces. Store the other pieces in a large ziploc type bag, so it doesn't dry out. If you have a pasta maker, just follow the instructions.
- If you don't have a pasta maker, don't worry. People have been making pasta for years without a machine. Here is how - lightly sprinkle your counter with flour. Using your rolling pin, roll the pasta as thin or thick as you would like it. The most important thing is that the pasta is uniform in thickness. Grab a knife or pizza cutter and slice your pasta as thick or thin as you want. Hang to dry for about an hour.
- To Cook your pasta - Boil water with a little salt and cook for 2 - 5 minutes.
I made an old fashioned pot roast to serve with out Light Wheat Pasta. I know I will use this recipe many times.