Would you like to join our challenge of giving whole grain flours a whirl? Use the form below to apply to be a part of our project. You must currently be a Food blogger (or have some focus towards food in your blog) to even be considered.
We usually provide our participants with a WonderMill Grain Mill (or Wonder Junior Deluxe) and $25 as a small bonus. Participants will also get a profile page on our blog plus a badge for completing the challenge to show off on their blog, if they choose to.
By participating in our challenge you would be required to make 3 (used to be 5) different recipes using whole grain flours (made with a WonderMill grain mill) within 2 months. You will also write a post about each of these recipe experiences on the GrainMillWagon.com blog.
You will receive a response to your application in 1 to 3 weeks.