One who does not excel at baking should not attempt to create 100% whole wheat hamburger buns from a recipe for a 9 inch loaf made with all purpose flour. Even when one has the best tools on hand and a super cool cookbook – don’t mess with chemistry of baking unless you have the skills!

My goat cheeseburgers may have looked cute, but that was no bun for eating delicious meat on. Too dense, didn’t rise, the opposite of soft and fluffy: these buns were a major fail!

At least their flavor was delicious, thanks to the freshly ground flour!
About Miranda @ Pocket Pause
Miranda and her husband recently bought a quasi-abandoned farm in Kings Valley, OR where they hope to create a sustainable ecosystem that feeds themselves, their livestock and their corgi, Pocket while maintaining harmony with the environment. Many drifts of blackberries and fields of scotch broom (filled with cougars) both stand in their way and inspire them.
Miranda is a freelance artist and natural soapmaker, loves gardening and cooking and reconnecting with old fashioned ways. You can read more about Miranda and her family's adventures (and follies!) at
Grain Mill Wagon Experience: I was truly amazed by the efficacy of the WonderMill! It ground up small grains and large with ease, created smooth and fluffy flour that inspired me to get better at baking! I can't wait to grow a small crop of grains to harvest and grind myself to fully maximize my experience with the Mill. I look forward to many years of enjoyment!