I love chips, they’re my favorite junk food. Unfortunately not only am I trying to eat healthy, but I prefer making what I can myself so I found these. I can’t remember where I found them but I’m SO glad that I did! Try them and let me know what you think.

3/4 cup boiling water
1 cup milled popcorn (on coarse setting)
1 tblsp. oil
1/2 tsp. salt

Boil your water and then add in the milled corn, oil and salt. Mix them together and spread out on a well oiled cookie sheet. I spread it out by hand. To keep the mixture from sticking to me, I used more milled corn on top, like you would flour with a dough.
Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes and then flip them over so the other side hardens as well. Bake another 10 minutes or until a nice golden brown. The browner, the crunchier they are. YUM!
Serve with homemade salsa and you have one tasty snack!
About Louise’s Country Closet
Originally a city girl, country living took Mandie by surprise. The first adventure in her new country life was rabbits quickly followed by chickens. Wanting to do things as natural as possible and fully embrace the homesteading life, she introduced homemade cleaners and a lot of DIY projects. Sharing these on her blog so that other people can enjoy the simple things as well, is what she enjoys most.
Nearly six years after her big move, she now has rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ducks, quail, goats, dogs and cats. With a large raised bed garden and various fruit trees, Mandie’s family tries to live ‘off the land’ as much as possible.
Along with her blog and From the Farm, Mandie also contributes to Ducks Too. She is also a leading seller of hen saddles and chicken diapers, along with various printed items all made (or printed) right at home.
Checkout her blog: louises-country-closet.com