Bread always tastes best when it is homemade, but so many bread recipes are very complicated and take a lot of work. Not this one! This bread only needs 4 ingredients and no kneading at all. It’s so easy anyone can make it, especially when you have the Wonder Mill to make your own flour.

- 1050g (37.0377oz) freshly ground whole grain spelt flour (wheat or other grains work too)
- ½ teaspoon SAF instant yeast
- 1 heaped tablespoon coarse salt (if using fine salt, don't heap the tablespoon)
- 4 cups water (cold or room temperature)
- Mix dry ingredients together in a big bowl.
- Add 4 cups of water and mix well, you do not have to knead it but you can mix it with your hands if you would like, it's fun. 🙂
- Cover with plastic (so it does not dry out) and leave for 12 – 16 hours at room temperature.
- Forming the loaves: Put a bit of oil and gently place the dough on a clean surface, do not disturb the texture too much.
- Spread it out a bit and fold it so it fits into the baking form. I usually fold it twice and than roll it to a loaf. Sprinkle it with seeds if so desired. Let it rise for 1 hour.
- This recipe makes two loaves of bread.
- Place the loaves in a cold oven, turn on the heat 400 F and set the timer for 1 hour.
- Enjoy your fresh bread!